WRO documentation

The first project to develop the WRO has now been completed. See the final report here.

A follow-on WRC project to further enhance the WRO will commence in November 2024. 

Important documents on big data and cloud platforms

Draft National Policy on Data and Cloud

Metadata resources

SANS 1878 (ISO 19115) Geospatial Metadata Standard

Dublin core, schema.org - generalised standards

Simple Darwin core - useful for detailing biodiversity 

Data Document Initiative (DDI) - social science data

SANS 1877 Unique ID Standard

SANS 1876 (ISO 19110) SAGDaD (South African Geographical Data Dictionary)

SANS 1880 SAGDad feature content catalogue (compliant with ISO 19110) (80 Feature types, 29 Attributes per feature)

ISO 19156:2011  Geographic information — Observations and measurements

Geospatial Metadata (wikipedia)